Sunday, October 3, 2010

Recent Prophetic Admonitions For Happiness

What a blessing to hear from President Monson twice now in an eight day period. To the sisters of the church he said to let go of judging and criticizing others. Several humorous examples were shared to demonstrate his point. He quoted Mother Theresa as saying, "When we are criticizing others, we don't have time to love them." He said that life is perfect for none of us; rather than be critical demonstrate charity. He left us his blessing, "May it (charity) permeate your soul and find itself manifest in all your actions".


To the church this morning he admonished an attitude of gratitude. Focus on our blessings (family, friends, health, the love of others) instead of what we lack. Trials can cause us to lose focus of our many blessings. A prayerful life is the key to gratitude. Ingratitude always leads to disappointment. A grateful person sees so much good in the world and can maintain a positive, optimistic attitude.

Following these admonitions of the Prophet of God can lead to maintaining the companionship of the Holy Ghost, which, in turn, brings peace and joy into our lives.

He who hath ears to hear...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lord, I believe; help thou my unbelief.
Lord, I want to be positive; help thou my negativity which starts in my heart/brain and then slips out of my mouth. I'm tired of being a victim.