Thursday, December 15, 2011


I received this Christmas letter last week and must share it with everyone:

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle" Albert Einstein

Most of us think of miracles as big events of unusual circumstances. That may well define some miracles, but others occur in our daily lives as we are challenged to cope with life as it is. Our personal miracles come in harmony with our decision to cope well with the unexpected.

Longfellow believed the situations that call upon our coping skills are "celestial benedictions" in disguise, sent not to try our souls but to enlarge them. Every time we cope well we have made another personal deposit of confidence, creativity and courage - we have added to our reserve and strengthened our character.

We believe in miracles because we have seen them in your lives as well as our own. There are those with the heaviest burdens who still brighten our day. There are those who have given up much but still manage to express their gratitude. There are some amazing people around us who teach us with their strength, courage and resilience. These are the people whose miracles inspire us!

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